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Monday, 25 January 2016

Darren Brown - London to Island Life. Koh Samui.

My friend and training partner Darren Brown has now moved to Thailand.

I met Darren whilst training at third Space in central London well before I moved to Thailand. Now I'm back in London we are doing the big swap. I am picking my career back up and buying all the trappings of western life just as Darren is shedding all of his and heading for island life.

Luckily we got to cram in some good training sessions whilst we were both in London and Darren even asked me to corner him for his last UK novice class fight before he heads off. Below is the video of the fight. I look more nervous than him.

Darren is going to be contributing to this blog from Thailand to give us all some insight into Island training life, TEFL courses and generally training and fighting Muay Thai. I'm looking forward to a fresh perspective and really hoping it inspires me to get back into a more disciplined training schedule here in the UK.