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Saturday, 27 December 2014

Christmas at Charn Chai

The gym is buddhist as is the majority of Thailand so Christmas really could have slipped by unnoticed if it weren't for the effort made by Bee, Kerri-Ann and some of the fighters living here in Pai.

Training was on as usual but I took the day off. Largely because I was hungover from Xmas eve where I mixed way too many different drinks until far too late.
Around 10am I had a knock on my bungalow from Ben and Ally inviting me to join them and a few others at a nice hotel restaurant for a xmas lunch together. We sat round drank red wine and ate good quality western food that wasn't burgers or pizza. It was really nice, beautiful location, good wine, lots of food, xmas music and good company. Exactly what xmas is supposed to be.

In the evening we all met up at the gym where they had set up a xmas tree, bonfire and various embarrassing party games. I've commented before on how the trainers seem to love physical humour. No change here. I couldn't avoid getting involved and we ended up in a race to eat a cucumber hanging from a line above our heads... followed later by a game where you have a balloon tied around your waist and you have to pop each others balloons whilst preserving your own... not using your hands.... like i say 'physical humour' ensued. Check my instagram for a little video of the macho proceedings. Head trainer Bee shaking his little stinger whilst wearing a santa hat. This place is a far cry from the steroids, tribal tattoos and macho nonsense i have heard is synonymous with Phuket and other gyms down south. I think we are all really grateful for that!

There are chicken coops at the gym. I always thought these where just functional farm animals. Turns out the gym also raises and trains fighting chickens. So on the right hand side we have the matts and the ring and humans and on the left we have the coops, the sand and all their supplements and training tools. I had no idea but its a massive passion of the trainers and they love these chickens. They even have them spar in little training pads so they don't get hurt. So as part of the xmas celebrations we had a new member of the team arrive at the gym, A (Bee's brother) seemed pretty chuffed.

Needless to say the Sangsom and beers were flowing and everyone had a great night together. With Pet leading the charge as always!

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