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Saturday, 24 January 2015

Clinch training with Turbo and Gong

In an attempt to fight less like a farang I have started doing private lessons with 2 of the Thai trainers focusing purely on clinch work.

So my day breaks down with the run in the morning at 07:30... which is getting longer and longer... we are now up to 11km.

Private lesson with Bami at 10:30 focusing on pad work, ring craft, combinations, conditioning and working my kicks into my techniques.

16:00 back to the gym to meet up with Turbo and Gong. Here we focus purely on clinch techniques, trips and making space to throw knees (I also do an hour of my own conditioning).
(Trainers from left to right; Moohin, Gong, Turbo, Yo, Bami, Pet, Bee, Tree)

It works well so far as I have 2 trainers in the ring with me, they can show me in detail what to do by demonstrating on each other. This is a great way to get around the language barrier as you don't need detailed verbal descriptions. They just show me in a way where I can watch as opposed to just being the victim of a clever trip and seeing it from my back looking up.
Only communication issue so far is trying to ask when and why you would do certain things, I can copy the moves but knowing how to implement them in a fight and how to capitalise on the resulting position is proving harder to explain.
Physically it was bloody hard as they would switch in and out so i'm always working against a fresh guy. No surprise my neck is killing me and I am starting to get swollen ears.

I am learning a lot but it doesn't feel natural yet. I really have to think in advance what each position means and what my options are. Probably doesn't help that i'm a foot taller than these guys so can compensate for bad technique with power and leverage.
I'm hoping I'll be able to get more comfortable with the simple moves in the next couple weeks. By no means do I expect to be any good at the clinch, but i'm hoping I can survive it to shut down my opponent and earn a referee re-set to work my distance and range advantage.

So far Turbo is really happy with my progress and keeps commenting that I am remembering everything quickly. It's funny to learn how detailed the clinch is when it comes to hand position, earning space and specific grips and holds you can use whilst wearing gloves. So far it's going really well and I'm enjoying learning it a lot.

Here you can see Turbo in action on one of the local fight cards. Turbo is wearing the blue gloves.

Training with Turbo and Gong is fun but very different to working with Bami. Bami is preparing me for my first fight and has invested a lot of effort in me. Although I'm doing a little clinch work with Turbo and Gong it's Bami I really don't want to let down with a poor performance come fight night.
As it stands my hands are getting better but i'm still struggling to work in the kicks. So if my fight goes to the judges I am going to have a rough time on the score card.

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