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Sunday, 25 January 2015

Thai remedies that I have tested.

No doubt the training is hard and it takes its toll on your body. Impact injuries and muscle soreness are a daily occurrence.

Normal treatment aside (Ice packs, elevation, Ibuprofen, massage, anti inflammatory cream)

There are 2 main 'Thai' remedies discussed around the gym.
Thought I would give them a go.

1. The Hot Springs:
About 6km out of Pai there is a natural mineral hot springs within a national park (200baht entry).
Although 'natural' it has still been developed to allow for tourist visitors. Pretty much ruins the experience as it's no longer a hot spring but rather the hot water piped off into cement pools for people to bath in.
Outside of the national park there are a couple luxury resorts filtering off some of the water and offering a spa style bathing experience.
If you are going to bath in the mineral water in a man made pool, why not make it a nicer pool?

Twice now, post training, I have gone to the spring and bathed in the hot mineral water (smells of egg) for over an hour.
Although relaxing due to the heat and putting time aside to do nothing, I have not noticed any healing properties.
My bruises and tight muscles are the same if not worse.
My hyper extended elbow has not improved at all.
My right shoulder remains buggered.

2. Thai Laxative - cleanse:
The idea being that on your rest day (Sunday) you neck a bottle of strong laxative and 'cleanse' yourself. Supposedly this is good for bruises and inflammation as well as cutting water weight.

My basic understanding of gut inflammation caused by food allergies and undigested food made me want to give this a go. I was hoping for a 'cleanse' resulting in a lighter, leaner feel with the added benefit of less gut inflammation allowing my swollen joints to recover quicker.

What happened was a day of hanging out by my bathroom.
Felt no better for it.
If anything it left me washed out and lacking energy for Mondays training.

Won't be doing that again.

So yeah, think i'll stick with the western approach.... pop pills and try and just get more sleep.

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